
Pop-up restaurants

India Food Forum - 2023 > Pop-up restaurants

Pop-up restaurants go mainstream as top chefs experiment with format

December 5, 2016 |by indiafood forum | Comments Off on Pop-up restaurants go mainstream as top chefs experiment with format | FOOD SERVICE | ,

The dosa waffle is one of those beguilingly simple dishes that make even the most jaded of food writers sit up and take notice. The clever layering of flavours — mild sweetness and fermented sourness juxtaposed with caramelised notes from pineapple slices on the side — is refreshing for palates numbed by routine onslaughts from hamhanded culinary inventions. It is, therefore, natural that we savour each bite with care, at the end of what has been one of the laziest, longest brunches of this season…READ MORE