Aldi and its rival Lidl have expanded rapidly in Europe, putting pressure on Britain’s big supermarkets and also challenging U.S. retailers…READ MORE
KEEP READINGAldi says it has a plan to become the third largest grocery chain by in the US by store count within the next four years…READ MORE
KEEP READINGGerman grocery chain Aldi Inc said on Sunday it would invest $3.4 billion to expand its U.S. store base to 2,500 by 2022, raising the stakes for rivals caught in a price war…READ MORE
KEEP READINGWal-Mart Stores Inc is running a new price-comparison test in at least 1,200 U.S. stores and squeezing packaged goods suppliers in a bid to close a pricing gap with German-based discount grocery chain Aldi and other U.S. rivals like Kroger Co, according to four sources familiar with the moves…READ MORE